Transformation of the 1957 SOLIDO Studebaker Hawk into the Monte Carlo Rallye version
With some decals I found some time ago on eBay I made the version which race in the Monte Carlo Rallye in 1959. I started with the Solido limited edition of that car which happens to be the right gold color. I painted the roof and the side "arrows" in white. I also painted and detailed the inside. I added some extra lights - two on each side and one on the right of the bumper. From the decal sheet I made the licence and rallye plates. The wheels come from a kit of a Peugeot van which look more like the one in the picture of the actual car.
The Models:
The limited edition of the SOLIDO
before transformation |
The same |
The modified version |
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The Studebaker at the start of the rallye |